Sunday, July 26, 2020

Negotiate flexibility like a pro and pay the change forward

Negotiate flexibility like a pro and pay the change forward Passionate about changing the way careers work and the corporate world, I have attended many events, read many articles and listened to many seminars about the plight of women in today’s workforce. The stats from the Diversity Council Australia we shared with you in the last newsletter were sadly, not surprising. I am keen to hear something new, I am keen to hear that things are changing. As Abraham Lincoln said “To predict the future, you have to create it”, so maybe instead of listening, and reading what everyone else thinks, I can do more to create change for myself and follow Lincoln’s wise words. If you want careers and workplaces to change, make it happen. You can achieve the flexibility you desire in your life with these simple tactics: Think about flexibility from your boss’s perspective You are exceptional at your job. You know that, they know that and you would love a little bit more flexibility but in truth, are afraid to ask. Why? What is the worst thing that could happen if you do ask? They say no, and you are no worse off. Or, are you afraid that even having the conversation sows a seed? Don’t be. Use the powers of persuasion you use at home in this conversation. What do we mean by that? To be persuasive you have to position your case in a way that has real value to the recipient. It’s no different if in a conversation with your boss about flexibility. Saying you need it because it’s too hard trying to juggle is not enough. Stand in their shoes for a moment and think, what do you need to hear in order to make it an attractive proposition. 1. Start by working out what it is you want. Write out what you need to have, like to have and would love to have positions are. Then write out what you believe your boss would write as their equivalent. What do you observe? Assess if there is a position you could get to where you are not too far away? If so, great. 2. Take 10 minutes of your time to prepare for what could be a  life-changing conversation. Write a list of benefits to your boss that he/she will get with you working flexibly. Consider how you can save them money, make them money, save time, make them look good. Think about what motivates them or what they value. (Here’s the tipping point) To make a strong case, provide evidence to substantiate the benefit you have identified. For example, if you said you could save them time, what maths or findings have you got that can prove that. If you identified it will make them look good, what initiative around flexibility is the business promoting that you could link it to? Within minutes and with three simple phrases you have structured a persuasive conversation to have with your boss. How do you feel when you are more prepared for work situations? Most people I coach tell me that the prep just makes them feel more confident going in and that is a great outcome. This is a great process to apply for any discussion where you need to persuade someone to think or act differently. It also makes it a more objective and outcomes driven conversation which is appealing to most bosses. Next, how do you frame this conversation up? Be prepared and draw your boss into the conversation Most people appreciate being asked for advice or counsel so rather than tell your boss this is what you are seeking, consider framing the conversation differently and say something like. I would love your advice on an initiative I would like to try…. or, ….I would like your counsel on an idea I have…. Spend 5-10 minutes practicing articulating it out aloud. Record yourself on your phone. How do you sound? And if your boss is still wavering at the end of your conversation and hasn’t committed why not offer to do it as a 3 month trial to see how it works out for both parties? That then becomes a low risk option for your boss and a great opportunity for you to show how it can work. And if they still need time to think it over, that’s okay, just make sure you lock in a time to pick up the conversation with a diarised date and time so that it signals your real intent to your boss to deal with this, and it speaks of commitment on both sides. It is much easier to organise this during the conversation as leaving it vague provides a cop out on both sides and makes it harder to pick it up in as an action to progress later. After embracing the following steps, you should be enjoying the flexible work arrangement you were after. If not, try this more inclusive approach to helping yourself and others: Trial flexibility Is flexibility not even on your company’s radar yet? That’s okay, take the initiative and demonstrate to them how it could work to the benefit of the business with a trial period and celebration of embracing change. Most companies are proud of their ability to embrace change, in fact change management and transformational change are buzz words in business at the moment so leverage it. Create a safe, low-risk change management exercise for your business to trial flexibility over an agreed and nominated period, such as one month. With approval from your bosses, make it easy for them to give it a go by taking on the execution of the initiative yourself. For example, could you promote it in the business and put posters up? Could you interview the testers and their Managers and share the findings with the broader business? If flexibility is important to you, you will find a way to achieve the desired outcome for yourself and your employer. Know what you want, position this with the upsides to the business and give it a go, even if it is just for a trial period. It could be the start of the future you are seeking to create.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

With Student Debt at an All-Time High, This STEM Scholarship is Changing Lives

With Student Debt at an All-Time High, This STEM Scholarship is Changing Lives Nandita Chauhan, who went to the United States when she was six, gone through years agonizing over how she would bear the cost of college. She fantasized seeking after a profession in innovation where just about 20% of the workforce is women.Theres no inquiry that advanced education is progressively difficult to reach. As per ongoing reports, understudy credit obligation was at a record-breaking high in the second from last quarter of 2018, coming to $1.36 trillion dollars. That number speaks to a 129% expansion since 2008. While understudy obligation influences an enormous portion of the populace, the money related weight of school can be a considerably bigger boundary for minorities as of now underrepresented in advanced education. This keeps various applicants out of businesses where more portrayal is important, similar to the famously heterogeneous tech industry.However, programs like Avanades STEM grant for ladies are helping female understudies seek after professional education s without the soaring sticker price. Furthermore, theyre enhancing the working environment all the while. Just 25% of IT jobs and 15% of senior IT jobs were held by ladies in 2018, in spite of ladies making up 57% of the general workforce. This absence of portrayal begins at school. Ladies examining innovation in school has really diminished after some time; In 1985, 35% of software engineering graduates were ladies, contrasted with just 17% in 2018. In the mean time, the sheer number of male software engineering graduates has developed. Comparable numbers have been seen in STEM programs in general. Just about 6% of ladies graduated with STEM degrees in 2018, contrasted with about 17% of men.Avanade, the universes driving computerized trend-setter on the Microsoft biological system, made their STEM grant program in 2015 to help young ladies wishing to seek after a STEM-related degree. It offers temporary jobs, tutoring and an encouraging group of people to assist beneficiaries with accomplishing their training and vocation development. The grant has been granted to 40 young ladies, and 3 have proceeded to join Avanades different team.Chauhan turned into an examiner in Avanades Software Engineering Talent Community in Los Angeles, where she took an interest in the Ignition program. There, she took in the arrangements part of the Microsoft biological system and partook in mock-practices intended to help get her customer ready.I cannot hold on to begin in working with customers, she said. All the difficult work, the examining and moving on from school has set me up for thisand now Im here! Now and again I despite everything cannot trust it. I wake up each day feeling very grateful.No matter what shes found out about innovation, Chauhan says shes likewise took in a more profound exercise. Putting stock in herself is the way to contacting her profession goals.Ive figured out how to never question myself. We (as ladies) can be our own greatest pundits at times. We d ont consistently observe the beneficial things in ourselves, she said. What Ive realized is that it takes a group, and at times the conviction that others have in you is the thing that rouses you to proceed towards your objectives. Behind everyone, theres a gathering of individuals answerable for helping them succeed. I am genuinely appreciative to my family and Avanade for being those individuals who got me where I am today.Avanades devotion to ladies in tech doesnt stop at the pipeline. 100% of ladies who evaluated Avanade accept their CEO bolsters sexual orientation assorted variety, and 90% would prescribe the organization to other women.One unknown analyst composed: I love the way Inclusion Diversity is one of the center systems of Avanade. Furthermore, by saying it, however by proactively captivating with the correct activities. Avanade is genuinely a spot where you can flourish as a female and they ensure your own vocation objectives come first.Watch this video to get familia r with Nandita Chauhans excursion to Avanade:- - Fairygodboss is glad to cooperate with Avanade.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to Write a Construction and Maintenance Worker Resume

How to Write a Construction and Maintenance Worker ResumeA construction and maintenance worker resume is a critical part of a job interview. It's crucial to make the best impression on the employer. The purpose of a construction and maintenance worker resume is to demonstrate that the person is capable of doing the work needed to be hired. Here are some things to look for in a construction and maintenance worker resume.Use words that are specific to the position that you're applying for. You can avoid wording that sounds general because the employer has to know the job description by heart before they can hire you. If the construction and maintenance worker resume includes general phrases such as 'building and maintenance project manager'systems management' it's just going to sound like you don't have the necessary skills for the job.Be specific when describing your construction worker resume. Don't just say something like, 'a high school graduate with experience working on power gen eration and transmission lines.' Instead, put down the job title, the job duties, and the company that the person will be working for. A construction and maintenance worker resume must include all of this information to be considered in detail.Always use the proper terms in a construction and maintenance worker resume. Mention that you worked as a maintenance worker for seven years, not as a busy person who worked seven days a week. Some construction and maintenance worker resumes include a reference to work experience.Include a statement about any experience you have on job postings, if any, for more than one year, and any dates for any dates off from work. You want the employer to know that you've never been without a job in the past five years. This is a great way to show that you can do the work and can manage your time.Include financial statements if you have them. Provide the year, the month, and the day that you received the payment for the financial statement. This is a good way to give the impression that you're trying to get an early pay day if you get hired.Consider the job requirements and the company. A construction and maintenance worker resume should not include any details about jobs at larger companies. This will only make you look unprofessional. Smaller companies may have different requirements that will help them determine if you will be a good fit for their business.These few tips will make a construction and maintenance worker resume that you will be proud to hand to the employer. Do not make the mistake of filling in the gaps with generalizations. Instead, write down exactly what the job description is and what skills you have to perform the job.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

How to Find the Right Professional Ecq Resume Writer

<h1>How to Find the Right Professional Ecq Resume Writer</h1><p>If you have been pondering returning to class, you might need to reconsider whether it is beneficial to enlist an expert Ecq Resume essayist to compose your application. Your odds of being acknowledged is a lot higher when you utilize an expert to compose your application, yet how would you know whether the Ecq Resume Writer you are recruiting is a professional?</p><p></p><p>Well, first you have to know the response to this inquiry, provided that they are not an expert Ecq continue author, you could wind up burning through your time and cash on somebody who can't compose a decent Ecq continue. So I am going to give you a basic test to assist you with deciding if the Ecq Resume author you recruit would one say one is of the experts you can trust.</p><p></p><p>How do you realize that the individual you are employing has acceptable experience composing resume s? Here is a simple method to test this out, attempt to go to an occupation reasonable and request resumes and in the event that somebody actually should be employed inquire as to whether they can think of you one. In the event that they are not an expert, they won't have the option to keep in touch with you a decent one.</p><p></p><p>Another approach to test the nature of the resume you will get from an Ecq Resume Writer is to perceive how much time they put into contemplating your activity history and afterward your own aptitudes. On the off chance that they are not learned about your activity history and experience and you have an entirely elevated level of information about their own aptitudes and certifications, odds are, the Ecq Resume Writer you recruited has been employed previously and realizes how to compose a decent resume.</p><p></p><p>Now, when you have made sense of whether the Ecq Resume Writer you are going to enlist is one of the expert Ecq continue journalists you can trust, you have to comprehend what things to search for while evaluating their resume. The primary thing that you should search for in your resume is your training and affirmation, provided that the author you are recruiting doesn't have the best possible qualifications and data on their resume, at that point they are not able to compose your application.</p><p></p><p>One of the main things that you should search for in a quality expert Ecq continue essayist is that they are consistently cutting-edge on all ebb and flow data identified with your work understanding and instruction. You ought to likewise see whether the individual you are meeting has been in your situation at some other organization before.</p><p></p><p>Next, investigate their business history, is their work history great? On the off chance that they haven't been recruited previously and aren't as of now utilized, at th at point you ought to hope to experience a similar procedure you did before.</p><p></p><p>Now that you realize how to locate the correct proficient Ecq continue author, you have to ensure that you get the most ideal possibility for your activity. All things considered, you would prefer not to burn through your time, and it tends to be extremely hard to locate another representative, particularly one who can be trusted to compose the resume you require and furthermore be a decent employee.</p>